Julie’s Story: My Dream and the Road I Took to Get Here

The day I graduated from college in May of 1992 was markedly one of the best in my life. I was elated! To be honest, the cheesy tag lines of graduation cards were fitting for this milestone in my life. I surged with the pride of accomplishment and the sense of hope - which honestly, were new to me.

My aspirations were to work in youth ministry and missions, as well as to get married and someday, hopefully, to get to be a mom.

All these years later—decades really—I see God's faithfulness to fulfill the promise to “do more” than I could “ask for or imagine.”

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not rich, not even close. And I’ve watched the inevitable toll of gravity and degeneration of my once youthful and vibrant body. Let’s just say I may only wear an Apple Watch for the ‘ping’ feature to find my phone…multiple times a day.

I’ve had the privilege of serving in youth and children’s ministries professionally and leading teens and young adults on mission trips in and out of the States. I met my husband, Doug, just after graduation while I was serving in a year-long youth internship—and we were married in the summer of 1995. The Lord led us into Christian Camping and now, more than 25 years later, we still count it a privilege to participate in God’s high and holy calling at camp, where we serve by helping to create spaces for people to encounter Jesus.

God blessed us with two incredible kids who are now grown. We have had an adventure as a family that would include some of the highest and lowest moments of my life.

In all of this—the Lord began to bring to the forefront of my life John 10:10:

The thief (satan) comes only to steal and kill and destroy.

I (Jesus) have come to bring LIFE in abundance.

This poignant verse has stayed with me and holds the truth I have claimed and repeated to others as His work of reclaiming for good all in my life that the enemy intended for my ill.

I’m in a new season—this chapter of ‘middle age’ and an empty nest—I am waist deep pressing into the waters of the next season.

I am still choosing to follow Jesus. He is my life.

With great hope and anticipation, I am seeking the Lord to use the gifting, training, and experience given to me to work in Christian Life Coaching, Spiritual Formation, and Soul Care.


Motherhood: A High and Holy Calling