Meet Julie

Julie has an extraordinary passion and a unique gift for people. Her passion is Jesus and helping others know the “Life in the Full” He said He came to bring (John 10:10).

After receiving an undergraduate degree in Human Communication, Julie has had ample opportunities to walk alongside others in their various positions and seasons of life.

For 25 years she has served in Christian Camping, facilitating the ministry to the camp summer staff and young adult interns that she helped to lead. In addition, Julie has served in the local church both professionally and in volunteering with youth, children’s, and women’s ministries. As a professional Life, Coach Julie has decades of experience encouraging, supporting, and coaching others by coming alongside those who are looking to grow and intentionally move forward in whatever season they currently live.

Julie and her husband Doug have two grown children, and they live in Colorado where they love being close to family, great friends, and God’s incredible creation that is right outside their door.

Life gets busy—we want to make it as easy as possible to access us. Though based in Colorado, we primarily operate virtually. We want to meet you where you are at: literally!

  virtual meetings  

  • Julie McClain

    Professional Life Coach

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